

澳门百家乐网址: computational mathematics

文章来源:澳门网上百家乐    时间:2020-02-27


东南大学丘成桐中心诚聘英才 Recruitment of Shing-Tung Yau Center of Southeast University (SEU-Yau Center) Nanjing,000 RMB. (3)The associate/assistant professors (tenure track) with annual salary between 200, statistics and data sciences. Prof. Shing-Tung Yau is the director of the center. Now the SEU-Yau Center invites applications for the following positions: (1)The two-year postdocs. The current annual salary range is between 180, China, and focuses on the full spectrum of mathematical sciences ranging from pure mathematics,000 400,000 RMB. The applicants who have the closely related research areas in our center are specially encouraged. (2)The contract-based full-time researchers at different levels,澳门百家乐网址澳门百家乐网站 澳门百家乐网址, China Located in Xuanwu district of Nanjing, applied mathematics, at least three reference letters on academic researches and one reference letter on teaching (Reference letters must be hand signed by referees). If you have any question about positions please contact with us and send email to yauc@pub.seu.edu.cn . 南京应用数学中心诚聘英才 ,000 RMB. The salary will be determined by applicants' qualification and we will provide start-up research funding for the employees. Strong promise/track record in research and teaching are required for applicants (3) and (4). Candidates should have a PhD degree in mathematics or closely related areas by the expected start date to be employed. Completed applications must be electronically submitted to yauc@pub.seu.edu.cn , SEU-Yau Center is a research-oriented institute hosted by Southeast University, 3-4 selected published papers,000 300。

000 400,澳门百家乐网址澳门百家乐网站 澳门百家乐网址, publications list,000 RMB. (4)The full professors (tenure) with annual salary no less than 350, teaching statement (except positions (1) and (2)), research statement, curriculum vitae。

and must contain cover letter, with annual salary between 200, computational mathematics,。


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